Cosmoteer Wiki:Page Layout Guide

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This Page Layout guide serves as a reference on how the layout of certain pages should be constructed when contributing to the wiki. As with the Style Guide, the goal is to create consistency to ensure the best possible reading experience.

Each 'type' of page has its own specific layout in terms of what sections should be available and in which order. For example, a ship page has an entirely different set of sections to a version history page. It's important to copy those existing layouts when creating new pages to keep a uniform style on the wiki.

Ships (including stations)


{{Ship infobox}} template is used for all ships and stations.

Stations are technically ships, which is also expressed in how categories are structured.

When previewing a filled infobox, it might display incomplete/mangled. This is known issue.
For it to properly render, you need to save the page.

Uploading ship images

The ship infobox should contain 3 images of a ship: exterior, interior and blueprint. All of these are taken in-game.

Take screenshots in sandbox mode. Pause your game, add a ship and then take screenshots. Do not unpause to not run any animations.

Then, press Widgets menu up.png on the bottom-left panel → Screenshot → and choose the desired type. Repeat for all 3: exterior, interior and blueprint.

IMPORTANT: use Save As option and save images in png-only. Otherwise, the background won't be transparent and will appear as a black square once uploaded to the wiki.

After all images are saved, convert them to webp format with 90 quality.

Make sure that screenshot filenames follow these naming conventions:

  • The filename must not contain any spaces.
  • The filename must follow pascal case, i.e. all letters are lowercase except the first letter of each word, e.g: ThisIsPascalCase.
  • The filename must start with Ship.
  • Followed by faction (the shortened version); use one of these:
  • Followed by type (e.g: Combat, Station, Civilian).
  • Followed by the ship's name (e.g. Crimsonbrace, BlindingLight).
  • Followed by the image type: omitted for exterior, Interior for interior, Blueprint for blueprint.


  • ShipCabalCombatAtlas - a Cabal of Sol combat ship, exterior image.
  • ShipCabalCombatBlindingLightInterior - a Cabal of Sol combat ship, interior image.

Use Special:BatchUpload to upload the images.

In Description specify the categories that all uploaded ships will have. Because the most specific category is a type for a faction (e.g. Cabal of Sol Civilian Ship Images), you should upload ships of different type and factions separately.

Categories to specify:

  • Ship images: [[Category:Ships]]
  • Faction ship images: [[<faction> Images]]
  • Faction ship images of type: [[<faction> <type> Images]]


  • Missionary - which is a Cabal of Sol civilian ship - will have these categories:
[[Category:Ship Images]]
[[Category:Cabal of Sol Ship Images]]
[[Category:Cabal of Sol Civilian Ship Images]]


{{Breadcrumbs}} template generates a row of links. It should contain (in that order):

The "remove category from name" option should be enabled.

Example for Toothpick ship:


Some ships include some 'flavor text' as their in-game description, which should be added to the page using the {{Quote}} template. Usage of break-line tags <br/> is required to add spacing between sentences.

The following is how the description for Crusher is formatted:

{{Quote|"Big and Mean"
The brutes of the scrapyard, they keep the place clean and well secured of any other would be pirates.}}

First paragraph

The first sentence should be a brief description, containing:

  • Name in bold.
  • Tier.
  • Type (e.g. combat).
  • Role (e.g. scout).
  • Faction (must be linked).


Tactics section

Should contain tactics that can be used by the player against the ship.

Trivia section

Should contain various trivia about the ship, if any.

History section

Should contain {{History}} template that should have:

  • A version of the game when the ship was introduced.
  • Any other changes to the ship that happened in updates thereafter.


A list of categories.

Must contain one of each:

For stations, the ship type will be "stations", e.g. Category:Fringe Systems Resistance Stations.

  • Ship designer - a category for the ships by a particular designer. Format: [[Category:Ships by XXXXX]].

For ships without a designer, use Category:Unattributed Ships.
For ships with multiple designers, include multiple categories.


Insert a navbox template for the ships of the ship's faction.

You can find navbox templates here: Category:Navbox Templates.