Cosmoteer Wiki:Page starters/Ship page

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{{Ship infobox
	| title1 = [REQUIRED] Name of the ship. Use {{set ship title}} to set.
        TYPE: line
        EXAMPLE: {{set ship title}} to set to page's name,  {{set ship title|XXX}} to set to XXX.
	| image1 = Image of the ship. Take directly from the game files.
        TYPE: wiki-file-name
        EXAMPLE: ShipCabalCombatApotheosis.png
	| caption1 = Caption for image 1. Not used unless absolutely necessary.
        TYPE: content
	| image2 = Interior image of the ship. Taken in game from the ship options menu.
        TYPE: wiki-file-name
        EXAMPLE: ShipCabalCombatApotheosisInterior.png
	| caption2 = Caption for image 2. Not used unless absolutely necessary.
        TYPE: content
	| image3 = Blueprint image of the ship. Taken in game from the ship options menu.
        TYPE: wiki-file-name
        EXAMPLE: ShipCabalCombatApotheosisBlueprint.png
	| caption3 = Caption for image 3. Not used unless absolutely necessary.
        TYPE: content
	| faction = [REQUIRED] Faction that the ship belongs to. Use "None" If a ship doesn't belong to any faction (for example: starter ships, design contest ships).
        TYPE: line
        EXAMPLE: Cabal of Sol
	| type = [REQUIRED] Type of ship.
        TYPE: line
        EXAMPLE: Civilian
	| classification = Ship classification. For built-in ships can be found in "builtins__"
        TYPE: line
        EXAMPLE: Battleship
	| tier = Tier value. For built-in ships can be found in "builtins__"
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 2
	| spawn_tier = Spawn tier value. Only for stations. Can be found in "builtins__stations.rules"
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 11
	| difficulty = Difficulty value. For built-in ships can be found in "builtins__".
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 3
	| value = Value of the ship. Can be seen in Build mode. For better readability, please put commas between the digits of the number, like in the example.
        TYPE: string
        EXAMPLE: 225,200
	| mass = Mass of the ship in tonnes. Can be seen in Build mode.
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 700.3
	| command_points_used = How many command points does the ship use?
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 212
	| command_points_total = How many command points does the ship can use?
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 500
	| hyperdrive_efficiency_percentage = Hyperdrive Efficiency percentage. An integer between 0 and 100. If a ship doesn't have a hyperdrive, put "absent" here.
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 40
	| crew = Amount of crew on the ship. Can be seen in the Ship Library.
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 230
	| suggested_crew = The number of crew suggested for the ship.
        TYPE: number
	| power_used = How much power the ship uses?
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 17.4
	| suggested_power = How much power is suggested for the ship?
        TYPE: number
        EXAMPLE: 13.7
	| designed_by = Author (or authors) of the ship design. To fill use only this template: {{Ship designers|{{Ship designer|__designer__}}}}. Can be seen in Build mode.
        TYPE: content
|page 1=Category:Ships
|page 2=Category:__faction__ Ships
|page 3=Category:__faction__ __type__ Ships
|remove category name=true


{{Quote|<in-game description>}}

'''{{ship title}}''' is a tier __tier__ __type__ __classification__ ship used by the [[__faction__]].

== History ==
|{{HistoryHeader|Cosmoteer Modern}}

{{__faction__ Ship Navbox}}
[[Category:__type__ Ships]]
[[Category:__faction__ Ships]]
[[Category:__faction__ __type__ Ships]]
[[Category:Ships by __designer__]]