Miscellaneous (Modding)

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This page contains useful modding knowledge and examples that do not currently have a relevant location on the wiki.

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In games that offer any sort of of physics simulation, like Cosmoteer does, it is often calculated separately from other frame updates. For example , this way you can make sure every moving object has moved to where it should be before drawing the visuals for everything.

This is why there is a PhysicsUpdatesPerSecond variable. Its value is set to 30 by default, in ./Data/cosmoteer.rules .

The higher this value, the more reactive and precise game physics will be, at the cost of extra work to be done by your CPU, and more lag.

Shields and Collision

"I've experimented with making shields collide with ships before, but because they only block from one direction and don't have sides, it causes strange problems with the collision physics."

Walt Destler, Cosmoteer Developer

Put simply, trying to make modded shield parts that collide with ships is a bad idea as it is not compatible with the physics engine.