Technology (modding)

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Cosmoteer stores technology unlock data in a techs.rules file located at Data/modes/career/.

Every technology available in your mod should be in a techs.rules file.

It is usually at the root of your mod's folder. If it is, you can just copy-paste this code block into the Actions of your mod.rules file to make it work :

	Action = AddMany
	AddTo = "<modes/career/techs.rules>/Techs"
	ManyToAdd = &<techs.rules>/Techs

Inside techs.rules

Name Type Required? Default value Description
ID string Yes - A unique identifier for each tech. It must be unique across the whole game, including other installed mods.

This is why, like mod.rules and part .rules files, it should start with your name.

NameKey Keystring

meaning : string

Yes - Usually a path referencing the language file's field that represents the name visible in game.

This is almost always done indirectly by referencing the part's data field, which contains another path.

DescriptionKey Keystring

meaning : string

Yes - Usually a path referencing the language file's field that represents the description visible in game.

This is almost always done indirectly by referencing the part's data field, which contains another path.

Icon ISprite

meaning : path

- - Path to the visual that will be displayed next to the description in the unlock screen.
EditorGroup EditorGroupRules

meaning :


- - In what tab of the unlock screen (seen when hailing stations) this tech can be found.
EditorGroups list[EditorGroupRules]

meaning :


- - In what tabs of the unlock screen (seen when hailing stations) this tech can be found. Can be none. In that case, the tech cannot be unlocked or even seen.
PartsUnlocked list[PartRules]

meaning : list[string]

- - Each technology can unlock 0 or more parts. They need to be listed here (if any).
DoorsUnlocked list[DoorRules]

meaning : list[string]

- - ??
ToggleChoicesUnlocked list[PartToggleGuiRules]

meaning :

list[ [string, int] ]

- - Each technology can unlock 0 or more toggle choices for parts (maybe the ship?) (maybe the UI in general?). They need to be listed here, each as a pair of a string and an int within [].

This is used by all missile_launcher techs.

UpgradedFrom list[TechRules]

meaning :


- - ?? Effect unclear.

This is used by all missile_launcher techs.

Cost int32

meaning :

int up to 2147483647

Yes - Price (in credits only) to unlock this tech. Max value 2147483647, min value presumably -2147483647.
Prerequisites list[TechRules]

meaning : list[string]

- none All techs that need to be unlocked before this one can be.

Before that condition is met, the button will be greyed out and missing prerequisites will be written in red. After that condition is met, the prerequisites stop being visible.


Nothing yet.