Cosmoteer Wiki:How to add a new...

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This page provides guides on how to add new pages of specific types: new updates, ships, parts, etc.

Game Update

Game updates are a huge and fun part of the Cosmoteer experience due to the excitement of new content and changes. For many, the wiki is a 'first port of call' to learn about the new content, so the sooner the wiki is updated, the better.

This section describes what a contributor should do when a new game version releases, and said contributor wishes to document the new release on the wiki.

Step 1 - notify other contributors

Go to the /wiki Cosmoteer Discord channel and notify the members that you are documenting the new release to sure that someone hasn't already taken doing that.

Once you've done that, an actual work can begin.

Step 2 - create the update page

Create a new page, using the new version number as its address. For instance, the version 0.26.0 should reside at If the page already exists, you can go straight to editing.

Use the game update page starter as a starting point. Page layout should follow the game update page layout guide.

You don't need to follow the layout of changelog sections strictly. If update has added a brand new shiny gun, of course add a separate section for it and make it stand out!

For examples, see the existing game update pages, such as:

Step 3 - upload screenshots to the wiki

An example of what images to upload to the wiki.

Open the update article in your browser — it will be much easier to work with it this way, instead of in the Steam client. It can easily be found in the News section of the game's Community Hub page.

If the article has any screenshots, upload all of them to the wiki. This also includes the article's thumbnail image. If there are multiple images, use Special:BatchUpload.

FIlenames should follow this pattern: Version-<major>.<minor>.<patch>-image-<sequence number>


  • Version-0.26.0-image-thumb - thumb image (the image on top of the article) for update 0.26.0. Link.
  • Version-0.26.1-image-1 - first image for update 0.26.1.
  • Version-0.26.1-image-2 - second image for update 0.26.1.

All images must have the game update images category in their description. Its name should follow this pattern: Version Images: <major>.<minor>.<patch>


  • Category:Version Images: 0.26.0 - images for 0.26.0 version. Example link.

The category must be a subcategory of Category:Version Images.

Step 4 - fill out the update page

Fill the page - copy and paste from the update's news page.

Update Type

First, you need to figure out the type of the update:

  • Major: Large game updates that increment the version number, e.g: 0.23.0, 0.25.0.
  • Minor: Smaller updates that still add new content or makes changes other than bugfixes, e.g: 0.25.1.
  • Bugfix: An update comprised solely of bugfixes, e.g: 0.25.2a.
  • Hotfix: A bugfix update quickly released to solve issues introduced in the previous update, e.g: 0.25.0a.

Remember the chosen type.


The infobox should be the first thing added into the editor. It should contain all the fields marked as required, including the release date, link to the official patch notes, and version chronology.


This is the update's description taken from its news article.


The initial description paragraph should contain:

  • Version number in bold text
  • Update type.
  • Release date.
  • And a brief summary of what the update adds. This summary can be as simple as "fixes a few bugs" for a bugfix update.


The changelog should be copy-pasted from the official release notes into corresponding sections outlined in the starter page. Each entry should then be bullet-pointed.

If a section is missing from the starter page, add it. No strict rules here.


All version history articles should be added to the Versions category. This should be the last thing added to the page source.

Step 5 - add links

Add links to make the page interactive.

These include links, but not limited to: parts, ships, resources, game modes, modding articles, etc.

Add links where it makes sense. Do not overuse them.

Step 6 - link the update page in relevant places

After the update page is created and fully filled out, it does need to be added to a few places on the wiki, so others can see it.

First, add the update to the Version History: find the section with the major version you need (or create it, if it's a new major version release), and click edit source.

Look at how other versions are added, and do the same. In Highlights & Notes write the brief summary of the update. You can reuse the summary on the update page you have already added (shorten it if you like).

Second, change the update and news widgets on the home page. These can be found at:

For Home/Updates, change:

  • Current Version for any new game version.
  • Major Version for only major updates, for example:, but not
  • Version wiki is up-to-date with only when a checklist for that version is complete. This lets users know how up-to-date the wiki is.

And for Template:Home/News - only change it on minor updates, for example:, but not

After this is all done, go to the home page → hover over More on the navbar → click Purge Cache and update the page. This will render the updated templates.

Step 7 - make an update checklist

A checklist page is a copy of the update page, which you use to track the updates made to the wiki to reflect these new changes: both new content and changes in existing articles.

To make a checklist page, copy the update page and add -checklist to its name.

Then go into edit mode in source editor and add the game update checklist starter to the start. it explains what the page is for, and adds a section where you can list other things to update.

Step 8 - add content from the update, bring existing articles up-to-date

Now, follow the checklist page. Select an entry (like adding a new ship), and go reflect in on the wiki. Give priority to big changes, like new ships/parts/resources.

See other sections on this page for guides on how to add these big things.

If changelog mentions something about upcoming updates, add it to the upcoming content page.

After you're done with an entry, remove it from the checklist.

If a change entry potentially requires a lot of manual work, don't be shy to ask in the DiscordIcon.png #wiki for help! Maybe someone can even automate that change to the wiki.

Repeat until all changes are reflected on the wiki. After you are done, remove the checklist page from Unfinished version checklists category and add it to Category:Completed version checklists.

Step 9 - mark update as reflected on the wiki

First, go to the update page and remove it from Versions not yet reflected on wiki category.

Second, open Template:Home/Updates and change Version wiki is up-to-date with to the update's version.

And that's it!

Ship or Station

CalloutIconWarning.pngWork in Progress
This section is currently work-in-progress. Some things may not be up-to-date or documented at all.

Feel free to contribute to make it better!


{{Ship infobox}} template is used for all ships and stations.

Stations are technically ships, which is also expressed in how categories are structured.

When previewing a filled infobox, it might display incomplete/mangled. This is known issue.
For it to properly render, you need to save the page.

Uploading ship images

The ship infobox should contain 3 images of a ship: exterior, interior and blueprint. All of these are taken in-game.

Take screenshots in sandbox mode. Pause your game, add a ship and then take screenshots. Do not unpause to not run any animations.

Then, press Widgets menu up.png on the bottom-left panel → Screenshot → and choose the desired type. Repeat for all 3: exterior, interior and blueprint.

IMPORTANT: use Save As option and save images in png-only. Otherwise, the background won't be transparent and will appear as a black square once uploaded to the wiki.

After all images are saved, convert them to webp format with 90 quality.

Make sure that screenshot filenames follow these naming conventions:

  • The filename must not contain any spaces.
  • The filename must follow pascal case, i.e. all letters are lowercase except the first letter of each word, e.g: ThisIsPascalCase.
  • The filename must start with Ship.
  • Followed by faction (the shortened version); use one of these:
  • Followed by type (e.g: Combat, Station, Civilian).
  • Followed by the ship's name (e.g. Crimsonbrace, BlindingLight).
  • Followed by the image type: omitted for exterior, Interior for interior, Blueprint for blueprint.


  • ShipCabalCombatAtlas - a Cabal of Sol combat ship, exterior image.
  • ShipCabalCombatBlindingLightInterior - a Cabal of Sol combat ship, interior image.

Use Special:BatchUpload to upload the images.

In Description specify the categories that all uploaded ships will have. Because the most specific category is a type for a faction (e.g. Cabal of Sol Civilian Ship Images), you should upload ships of different type and factions separately.

Categories to specify:

  • Ship images: [[Category:Ships]]
  • Faction ship images: [[<faction> Images]]
  • Faction ship images of type: [[<faction> <type> Images]]


  • Missionary - which is a Cabal of Sol civilian ship - will have these categories:
[[Category:Ship Images]]
[[Category:Cabal of Sol Ship Images]]
[[Category:Cabal of Sol Civilian Ship Images]]


{{Breadcrumbs}} template generates a row of links. It should contain (in that order):

The "remove category from name" option should be enabled.

Example for Toothpick ship:


Some ships include some 'flavor text' as their in-game description, which should be added to the page using the {{Quote}} template. Usage of break-line tags <br/> is required to add spacing between sentences.

The following is how the description for Crusher is formatted:

{{Quote|"Big and Mean"
The brutes of the scrapyard, they keep the place clean and well secured of any other would be pirates.}}

First paragraph

The first sentence should be a brief description, containing:

  • Name in bold.
  • Tier.
  • Type (e.g. combat).
  • Role (e.g. scout).
  • Faction (must be linked).


Tactics section

Should contain tactics that can be used by the player against the ship.

Trivia section

Should contain various trivia about the ship, if any.

History section

Should contain {{History}} template that should have:

  • A version of the game when the ship was introduced.
  • Any other changes to the ship that happened in updates thereafter.


A list of categories.

Must contain one of each:

For stations, the ship type will be "stations", e.g. Category:Fringe Systems Resistance Stations.

  • Ship designer - a category for the ships by a particular designer. Format: [[Category:Ships by XXXXX]].

For ships without a designer, use Category:Unattributed Ships.
For ships with multiple designers, include multiple categories.


Insert a navbox template for the ships of the ship's faction.

You can find navbox templates here: Category:Navbox Templates.


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This section is currently work-in-progress. Some things may not be up-to-date or documented at all.

Feel free to contribute to make it better!


CalloutIconWarning.pngWork in Progress
This section is currently work-in-progress. Some things may not be up-to-date or documented at all.

Feel free to contribute to make it better!