Cosmoteer Wiki:To-do List

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This page contains a list of items that are being considered, yet to be actioned, or currently in progress.

If you want to add something new → go to the Suggestions section.

If you wish to help → go grab a thing from the To-do section.


About this section
This section contains possible types of to-dos.

Types are inserted using {{Todo type}} template, e.g. {{todo type|content}}.

Only one type can be used at a time.

Type Description
💡 Feature I want a new cool thing!
📑 Content I want to read about XYZ!
⬆️ Improvement I want a thing to be better!
🐞 Bug I want a thing fixed!


About this section
This section contains a list of categories used to categorize your wishes.

Multiple categories can be used per item - just use {{todo category}} template for them to generate a properly formatted list, e.g. {{todo category|Wiki/Templates|Wiki/Modules}}

Category Description
👺I don't know Use it when you don't want to bother with categorizations.

Other maintainers can later replace it with something more meaningful.

Content Content of the wiki.

All things Guides-related.

Guides/Basics Guides basics.
Guides/Ship Managment Guides about ship managment (crew, systems, weapons, defences, resource supply, etc.)
Guides/Other Changes that do not fit into other guides categories.
Modding/Basics Modding basics.
Modding/Other Changes that do not fit into other modding categories.

Wiki technical stuff - wiki-related technical to-dos.

Wiki/Layout Layout of pages.
Wiki/Extensions Mediawiki extensions.
Wiki/Files File pages, file upload.
Wiki/Styles Styles of the wiki.
Wiki/Gadgets Gadgets.
Wiki/Localization Localization of pages to other langues.
Please, read this first: Contributing How-Tos: Tips and Tricks
Wiki/Mobile Mobile version of the wiki.
Wiki/Search Search feature of the wiki.
Wiki/Source editor Source editor.
Wiki/Templates Templates.
Wiki/Navbox {{Navbox}}-related things.
Wiki/Cargo Things regarding Cargo extension.
Wiki/Visual editor Visual editor
Wiki/Maintainer QoL Quality of Life improvements for wiki maintainers.
Wiki/UX Wiki experience for everyone: readers and maintainers.
Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming Add here anything that should be dark-themed.
Wiki/Other Changes that do not fit into other wiki-related categories.
Meta Changes that affect this very page.
Other Changes that do not fit into other categories.

🟢 Suggestions

About this section
Put anything new you want done in this section.

Other people can put their thoughts inside in the "feedback column".

An active maintainer will then review your request, and either place it in the TODOs or in the Rejected section.
Suggestion Type Category Description Feedback
Template for making remarks. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Maintainer QoL


A template that allows to make remarks at the end of words, similar to what Template:NeedsAttention does. Maybe even replace some of its logic with this template.


  • small superscript text, surrounded by square brackets []
  • maybe place the text inside the tooltip, only leaving a short text, e.g. remark
Infobox graphics. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/UX


Enhance some infobox elements with graphic elements instead of just using plain text:
CalloutIconWarning.pnghello honey
this is WIP - feel free to add more stuff!~

Ship Infobox

  • Tier → add a strip with 20 section(cells), maybe in 2 rows. Each cell represents 1 tier.
  • Command points → add a progress bar, maybe something similar to what's used in-game.
  • Hyperdrive Efficiency → add a progress bar.
  • Crew & power → add a progress bar, which also has a specific pattern for "suggested" values. Maybe cheker or alternating.
Icons for users. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Gadgets


An ability for a user to choose a little icon that would be displayed near the links to that user's profile (in recent changes, ship "designed by", straight up mentions, etc.).
Research mediawiki user/gadget config capabilities ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Gadgets


Research what's possible in terms of storing various configs bind to a user. Preferably private, provided by the server.

Maybe there's some kind of api or something? We need something better then the browser storage provided by JS (since it's not permanent). Maybe even an ability to customize gadgets. Currently they have zero config, only a toggle.

Fix all res user links by default. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Styles Change the CSS in such a way that all user links appear like they exist.

If not possible with just CSS, make a gadget.

Make Ship Infobox slightly wider so it fits „Classification“ fully ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Styles Issue can be seen e.g. here: Aurelian
Recipe calculator for factories 💡 Feature Wiki/Other Will allow to calculate resource usage and production for N items.

📅 To-do

About this section
This section contains planned changes.
Feel free to take on any of them! If you do — please move it to the "In Progress" section.
Priority Difficulty Item Type Category Description
Create a guide covering opting-in to the unstable branch. 📑 Content Other
Create crew logistics guide. 📑 Content Guides/Ship Managment
Create game icon legend/guide/cheat-sheet. 📑 Content Guides/Basics
Write a walkthrough of the example mode here: Example mod walkthrough 📑 Content Modding/Basics
Guide on recording a performance report for Cosmoteer (might find something useful to dig through in the results?), and useful things in it (if any). info here 📑 Content Modding/Other
Add all (←debatable) part types to the main page to make the navigation easier. Each part type's shelf can have all it's parts carousel-animated - this can be done either with separate images (check if this hurts performance) or a GIF. Maybe think about grouping articles into sections, so it's easier to understand where parts types end. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Layout
Fix this page on mobile: Ion Beam Prism 🐞 Bug Wiki/Layout
Fix extra right margin on mobile. 🐞 Bug Wiki/Layout
Fix weird main bg cropping on mobile. 🐞 Bug Wiki/Layout
Fix search bar jumping on mobile. when opening a page. 🐞 Bug Wiki/Layout
Make the cosmoteer logo inside main page header banner shrink when its like 70% width of the container or less (otherwise it looks a little silly on mobile). ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Layout
Extensions: figure out the Excerpt template/module that is able to include other pages or parts of them, like the first paragraph. Possible uses: descriptions for things when making tables with them. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Extensions
Templates: bring hatnote templates [about, main, for, see also, further] and also [main article] up to date. Don't merge them into one template, since it's better editor experience to use a particular hatnote template instead of generic hatnone with a e.g. "see also" type. Use the template hatnone version instead of module one since it easier on performance. Use italic by default, add spacing between itself and other content. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates
Fix Template:Part icon whitespace. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates Some of the icons can be optimized to be used as icons:
  • converted to webp ( smaller size)
  • extra whitespace removed (better legibility). E.g. take a look at File:LaserBlasterIcon.png - it has some extra whitespace which makes the icon itself harder to see.
Fix Template:Part icon spacing. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates Make the amount of horizontal space that the icons take consistent. This might result in better legibility, but generally I think it would just look better.

This can be solved by creating a predefined set of icon widths, e.g. making the smallest possible width to be the width of File:CockpitIcon.png. so all other icons with the same (or smaller) width will be forced to "center" in that space (no stretching, just centering).

A backdrop of some kind can be added to better "highlight" the icons.

This might be useful to apply to other such templates, like Template:Resource. Maybe even worth creating a new template with this logic and replacing in this and other templates mentioned previously.

Templates: add bottom margin to page wide banners (like stubs). ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Layout
Templates: make "base game icon" template able to have the icon not be a link, for use in/near links. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/UX
Templates: make {{Version infobox}} slightly wider so the long version numbers don't wrap. Check out the 4th example in it's docs to see the issue. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Layout
Recent changes: fix highlight mod highlights not working (they are overridden by the checker pattern styling). 🐞 Bug Wiki/Styles
Recent changes: remove empty space to the left of all changes. don't forget to check the fix with highlighting mode enabled, ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Layout
Source editor: on search (ctrl + f), fix the invisible button icons. 🐞 Bug Wiki/Source Editor


Visual editor: visual editor → template insert → param block → item - when clicking on an active item, deselect it. because clicking it selects it. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/UX
Wiki/Visual Editor
Search: fix {{NearbyPagesToc}} polluting search results - i.e. you get the contents of the toc as results and not the actual page descirption. 🐞 Bug Wiki/Search
Formatting: change category "arrows" color to match other colors - get a color for expandable categories from the breadcrumbs arrow thingy - maybe even use it instead? if possible. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Styles
Gadgets: borrow useful gadgets from ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Gadgets
Files: add the batch upload page ( to the toolbox ( Research if this is possible with some type of config page or something, or do it with gadget (some hook maybe?). ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Maintainer QoL
Files: integrate batch upload to the file upload page (check out either MC or terraria wiki for working example). ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Maintainer QoL
page history ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming
user settings page ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming
register page ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming
templateData editor → when batch adding params suggested by the editor, a success message pops up. it's currently unreadable. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming
selected links in the visual editor. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming
gallery items ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming
visual editor → table props and actions (row, column, cell ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming
Low Straightforward template page → template data block → alias param ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/🌃 Dark Theming barely visible gray. replace it with something more "visible""
Make empty table rows have height ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/UX
Empty table rows usually used as delimiters between table sections, but they have almost no height, which looks bad. A height of regular text would be good height for this.
An ability for headers to hide the [edit] and [edit source] buttons. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/UX
Tihs prob requires a template.

Might be useful for tables, where such headers are used and produce annoying labels that waste space.

A button that copies specific text. 💡 Feature Wiki/Maintainer QoL
Add a button that copies the specified text. Can be useful for stuff like the categories on this todo page - you need to copy them by hand when filling out a new todo thingy. A copy button near each of them would be ideal.
Add priorities to todo-tasks. ⬆️ Improvement Meta Gives an understanding what's important. These should be set by the maintainers when reviewing suggested to-dos.
Add difficulty to todo-tasks. ⬆️ Improvement Meta Gives an understanding about task difficulty. These should be set by the maintainers when reviewing suggested to-dos.
Replace the outset used in border-images with a padding. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Styles Certain element use image as a border instead of an actual border, with each such element having an outset property that adds spacing between the content and the border.

Such "image border" doesn't actually affect the page layout in any way, which may cause intersections with other elements, and general misalign. The outset property must be replaced with padding to keep the same look, but make elements actually property aligned.

On image file pages, remove the padding between the image and the border, so it's clear where the image ends. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Files
Make a scripts that would remember the filters and stuff selected on the recent changes page. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Maintainer QoL
This can be done using the local storage with JS. No permaconfig sadly, as it would require accessing the server, which is not possible afaik.

Research needed if it's possible to write and read from the user config using API as a permastorage.

Add spacing above references block. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Layout Currently, they are right below content with no spacing.
Low Straightforward Bring Template:Cols up-to-date. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates
  • Add missing templateData
  • Write documentation
  • Add cols-* related params
  • If possible, add an option make the content not stretch horizontally to fill the whole container.
Low Straightforward Make a template for button combinations. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates Currently, button keys are displayed with Template:Button, but it's not designed to display button combinations, only singular keys. So it's used with multiple button keys defined in it, which may look odd.

The best way probably would be to make a template that accepts and number of Template:Button in it, formatting it like a button combo. Or as a list of alternatives for cases where multiple buttons are allowed.

Low Challenging Support mouse keys for Template:Button or make a new template. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates Currently, the template displays mouse button as just e.g. "Left Mouse Click". It might be better to display an image of mouse with that key pressed.

This might be better off as a separate template, because what if you want to display multiple buttons pressed at the same time? Or a double click? Also, it might be too small to see what buttons are pressed - maybe a user option here to display the text instead is needed? Needs research.

Example page with a lot of buttons: Ship Control

Low Straightforward Add an option to customize Template:Resource & Template:Part labels. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates This is best done after the merger of 2 templates.

Just an option for a custom label.

Low Straightforward Add plural and singular label variants for Template:Resource & Template:Part. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates This is best done after the merger of 2 templates.
Low Straightforward Add "bold" option to Template:Resource & Template:Part. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates This option should make the displayed label bold.
Normal Challenging Merge as much logic that Template:Resource & Template:Part use into one shared template, to not duplicate the code. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates Stuff to consider:
  • decide which "show/hide" label the resulting template would have. Maybe even 2 of them?
Low Straightforward Borrow the Lua template from Minecraft Wiki. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates And put it onto all templates that use modules.
Low Straightforward Wrap the output of the {{T}} template in code. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates Just better looking.
Low Challenging A template system for calculating value deltas in percentages, straight numbers, etc. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/UX


This change should introduce an ability to automatically calculate a difference between 2 values and display it in a formatted way (e.g. percentages, with up/down arrows and color for sign).

This might be useful for changenotes where they are often changes in certain parameters. For large numbers in might be harp to grasp how much has changed.

More on this here

Low Challenging Automate the calculation of ship's tier. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Maintainer QoL

Wiki/Cargo Wiki/Templates

Currently, the ship's tier is set everywhere manually.

If it were to be calculated automatically, based on price: Ships, it would make a life of maintainers a little easier. Since tier table is used in multiple places, this is a good place to start learning Cargo to:

  • Make a tier table template.
  • Process it with Cargo.
  • Use the template at pages where the table needs inserting.
  • Retrieve the data for the ship's infobox template from the tier table template.
  • Calculate the tier based on cost.
Low Straightforward Sync TOC and Template:NearbyPagesToc styles. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Styles Template:NearbyPagesToc should be styled the same as regular TOC.
Low Needs research Make the delimiter dots between {{NavboxItem}}s be part of a previous item and wrap with them. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Navbox Better looking.
Low Straightforward Make a table template for {{Crafting}}. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/UX Make a table template that would host {{Crafting}} entries inside of it, resulting on one big table witch each {{Crafting}} generating a row.

This would help to avoid a billion tables will all different column width generated when multiple {{Crafting}}s are used on a page, e.g. Iron.

Low Challenging Rewrite navbox. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Navbox Current implementation of navbox is pretty convoluted code-wise, making it difficult to understand and modify. So to fix this and some other bad choices, the navbox must be reborn with this changes:
  • Base it on tables, not flexboxes. With flexboxes arise aligning issues - in between the flexbox elements in particular. Currently, there's a gadget used to fix the issues. So it's best to use good old tables, and reserve flexbox for e.g. the actual items.
  • Explicit group templates. Instead of using 1 group template, make 2: one for nested groups and another for actual items. When using 1 group template, there's a need to see what's inside: other groups or the items. This proved to be quite difficult to do, so getting rid of that "detection" shenanigans will drastically reduce the complexity.
Low Straightforward Split Module:Common into modules grouped by meaning. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Modules E.g. "assertionUtils, stringUtils, etc.".

Provides a way of not clumping up all the utility functions in one file.

Low Straightforward Rename throwErrorIfNil function in Module:Common to assert into assertExists. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Modules Better naming.
Low Hmm... Make Category:Notice templates that stick to upper right part of the screen and stack same width and remove spacing between them. ⬆️ Improvement Formatting This should make them more consistent.

This template for example uses multiple such notices Template:Image Banner

Low Straightforward Add a placeholder icon for Template:Part and Template:Resource. ⬆️ Improvement Styling Useful for new parts/resources that do not have their icons uploaded to the wiki yet. And to display something when an unknown part is selected.
Low Straightforward For Template:Shot infobox: when damage differs between targets, show it in the infobox. ⬆️ Improvement Accuracy This applies to shots that deal different damage based on what they hit (e.g. junk).

Currently, the damage is listed like: Damage, Damage vs junk and that's it. We need to show that Damage is only accurate when a shot hits anything but e.g. junk, shields, etc.

Few ways to do it:

  1. List specific damages first, e.g. in order: damage to junk, damage to shields, damage to everything else.
  2. Instead of showing lines for each specific type of damage. show it all in "Damage" fields. Maybe like an ordered list, or a table.
Low Challenging Replace credits icon and amount to proper colors. ⬆️ Improvement Visuals Currently, credits icon is white and text is just added besides.

Ingame, icon is turquoise, and so is the text. Would be cool to give credits icon and the credits amount that's besides it the proper colors. - Replacing the icon is pretty easy - go to Template:Resource and replace it. - But the amount is just a string of text next to it, it's not specified in the template. So, to replace it, you either need to do it manually for all occurrences (which is impossible), or use automatic tools. Even better would be to modify the resource template to accept amount and THEN modify all amount occurrences so they go into the template, so changing it in the future if needed is easy as modifying a template.

🔮 In Progress

About this section
This section contains changes that are currently work in progress.
Please, use the {{on it}} template at to indicate that you are the one who's currently doing it!
Priority Difficulty Item Type Category Description Status In the works by...
Normal Depends Finish creating 1 articles about buffs. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding
Normal Depends Finish adding all Part data fields to the list. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding Add examples from the base game if possible.
High Easy Finish adding all Part components to the list. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding
Normal Challenging Finish describing the functionality of all Part components. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding 1 wiki page per component, especially the long ones.
Normal Depends Remove "Presumably" and "Possibly" from all descriptions proven true. Or replace these by the truth. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Modding Experiment, or find proof. Link to proof with "Cite" visual editor button whenever possible.
Low Easy Add pictures/gifs/videos of in-game results wherever possible to make the pages more effective and pleasant to read. ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Modding
Normal Challenging Finish deciphering the rest of the code. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding
Low Depends Make or find example and tutorial mods for pages that have none. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding
High Challenging Recruit available modding wiki editors. Other Wiki/Modding
Upload the game's GUI (under the GUI dir I think) to the Category:GUI. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding Create individual categories if needed.

After done, make a new to-do to check out those gui elements - whether any of them can be used in existing templates and such.

Not in active rework right now. currently on pause by ⭐aliser
Rewrite the article on paths. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding Not in active rework right now. currently on pause by ⭐aliser
Rewrite the article on actions. 📑 Content Wiki/Modding Not in active rework right now. currently on pause by ⭐aliser
Templates: make a tooltip template to replace the current Template:Tooltip ⬆️ Improvement Wiki/Templates Current tooltip template utilizes an extension, which makes it super hard to customize the logic (if not impossible).

More on this on the talk page.

aliser is sending nukes 🫶 i.e. this item is WIP

🔴 Rejected

About this section
This section contains changes that were rejected.