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.rules file/node location: Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Buffs.PartCircleBuffProviderRules

Stores rules for a buff provider that provides a buff to a specific circular area relative to the current part.

Inherits from BasePartBuffProvider.

Parameters (Complete list)
Name Type Required? Buffable? Default value Description
BuffRadius float Yes - - The area in which the buff is applied. The numbers are x, y, width and height.

More about IntRects.

BuffCenter Vector2?

meaning : (float, float)

- - Center of the part (effectively) if you don't want the circle to originate from the center of the part with this BuffProvider, set this to the desired coordinates.
Criteria RelativePartCriteria?

meaning :

A criteria block of code

Yes - - Filters what parts receive the buff.
BuffsSelf bool - - - Whether or not the buff also applies to the part it's from.
Falloff float - - 0


Scales the buff's value down based on the distance between this buffprovider and any receiver.