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.rules file/node location: Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Buffs.PartGridBuffProviderRules

Stores rules for a buff provider that provides buffs to all parts within a grid range.

Inherits from BasePartBuffProvider.

Parameters (Complete list)
Name Type Required? Buffable? Default value Description
GridDistance int Yes - - How far the buff can be provided, measured on the grid.

engine_room has "1", meaning only parts that share a wall with them will be affected. Some mods add a buff to reactors so they can remotely power things, by setting this higher.

AllowDiagonals bool - - - if this is true, the distance can be counted diagonally, which should increase the effective range.
Criteria RelativePartCriteria?

meaning :

A criteria block of code

Yes - - Filters what parts receive the buff.
BuffsSelf bool - - - Whether or not the buff also applies to the part it's from.
Falloff float - - 0


Scales the buff's value down based on the distance between this buffprovider and any receiver.

Example mods

  • (The Cable Age ? or is it radius-based)