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< Modding‎ | ComponentsModding/Components/OperationalPartComponent
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Code location (what's this?): Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.OperationalPartComponent

Extends the PartComponent base class to implement on/off "operational" functionality common to many components.

This is an abstract class, made only to be inherited from. That provides the On/Off functionality to many components without having to repeat the code in each of them.

It itself inherits from PartComponent.

Inheritors :

Parameters (Complete list)
Name Type Required? Buffable? Default value Description
OperationalToggle ID<PartComponentRules>? - - - A toggle can be referenced here to be used an On/Off "button".

Some things like resource storages also qualify : 0 resources means Off.

InvertOperationalToggle (True / False) - - - This makes it work in the opposite way. One use case can be found in the toggles article.
DisableWhenDeconstructing (True / False) - - - Presumably, if true, the part stops functioning while being deconstructed.


  • Nothing yet.
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