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Code location (what's this?): Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Graphics.PartSprite

A part sub-component that renders a sprite, possibly attached to another component.

Alias "Sprite". Be aware that there are other types of sprite.

Inherits from OperationalChainablePartComponent. This means it can both be attached to a part, and turned on/off based on a toggle's state.

Used by Parts to have certain types of visuals.

Parameters (Complete list)
Name Type Required? Buffable? Default value Description
Layer ID<ShipRenderLayerRules> Yes - - The layer the sprite is drawn on. This decides what's drawn over what, and what's hidden by other visuals.

Layers cover all lower layers.

RandomUVRotation bool - - - ??
UseConstructionProgressAsDamage bool - - - ??
ResetAnimationTrigger ID<PartComponentRules>? - - - Presumably the reference to a trigger that will reset this sprite's animation.
GetColorFrom ID<PartComponentRules>? - - - Presumably the reference to a component that will provide the color for this sprite.


Nothing yet.


Ammo Factory

factory_ammo has 2 components with Type = Sprite , the one below and its flipped version :

	Type = Sprite
	OnlyWithFlip = false
	Location = [1, 1]
	Layer = "floors"
			File = "floor.png"
			Size = [2, 2]
			File = "floor_33.png"
			Size = [2, 2]
			File = "floor_66.png"
			Size = [2, 2]


railgun_launcher has 3 components with Type = Sprite , all related to the projectile it fires.