Resources (modding)

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Work in Progress
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Resources are defined by their ability to be consumed for a useful effect. This could be :

  • to fulfill the requirements for the construction of a part.
  • as fuel so that a part can function.
  • as ammunition consumed by a weapon.
  • sold for credits.


Resources can exist in different forms and places :

  • Floating nugget : these are resources that you can see out in space. They are typically created by mining, or the destruction of parts. You can then order crew to gather them.
  • Carried by crew.
  • Stored in parts : these are resources that belong to a part's content at the moment. They may also end up in space on destruction, depending on the settings of the part's storages ; however, some resources have no floating nugget equivalent and will be lost instead.

These last 2 forms are handled by the ResourceRules class.

See also