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Work in Progress
This page is currently WORK IN PROGRESS. Some things may be missing.

Feel free to contribute and don't worry about perfection - other editors can make corrections if necessary. Just get creating!

.rules file/node location: Cosmoteer.Resources.ResourceRules

Stores the rules for a particular type of resource.

Defines everything about a resource that is neither how a part handles it, nor how it exists in space (see Nugget (modding) for that).

Inherits nothing.

Used by all resources.

Parameters (Complete list - not buffable)
Name Type Required? Default value Description
ID ID<ResourceRules> Yes - Identifier of the resource, which must be unique game-wide.
NameKey KeyString Yes - Language key to the singular name of the resource.
PluralNameKey KeyString? - - Language key to the plural name of the resource.
DescriptionKey KeyString? - - Language key to the resource's description.
BuyPrice int - - How many credits to buy a single one of this resource.
SellPrice int? - - How many credits gained from selling a single one of this resource.
Icon ISprite? - -
IconButtonVerticalOffset float - - Presumably moves the icon up by that amount in the user interface for better centering.
Overlay ISprite? - -
QuantityDisplayDivisor float - 1
QuantityDisplayFormat string - "n0"
MaxPerNugget int - 1
CarrySpeed float - 1 Presumably, how fast/slow crew is while carrying this resource.
MaxStackSize int - - Presumably, how many you can stack in a single storage tile.

iron, sulfur and other mineable resources should have "5".

ReturnToStorage bool - true
LoseExcessOnDelivery bool - - Presumably, whether or not any resources that the delivery destination can't take, disappear.

Batteries should have "true".

FlexGridPriorityKey ID<PartComponentRules> - - Certainly for use with FlexResourceGrid.
FlexGridDefaultPriority int - 1 Certainly for use with FlexResourceGrid.


ResourceRules.NuggetDropRates - new

Presumably, a struct representing the chance of this resource being created in space when a part containing it is destroyed.

(Non-serialized, readonly)

AtlasSprite[][]? - -
StackSprites AtlasSprite[]? - -
ResourcesPerStackSprite int - 1 Presumably, how many of this resource is actually contained in a single visible nugget in a stack.
StackReceiveMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - -
StackPickupMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - -
NuggetPickupMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - -
DeathHitEffects MultiHitEffectRules? - -
DeathMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - -


CrewQuadStatic[][]? - -


Nothing yet.


CalloutIconWarning.pngWork in Progress
This subsection is currently work-in-progress: Some things may be missing.

Feel free to contribute to make it better!

(Add bullet.rules NuggetSprites example)

Example mods

See also