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0.22.0 is a major update released on April 14th 2023. It includes a new Hyperdrive Beacon part, adds new built-in ships, and comes with a whole host of quslity-of-life improvements and bugfixes.

The Hyperdrive Beacon is a new ship part that works in conjunction with other ships' Hyperdrives. Any ship with a Hyperdrive can jump to any (friendly) ship with a Hyperdrive Beacon. In Career mode, this means that you can jump not only to neutral stations and jump gates, but also to any of your own ships on which you have constructed a Hyperdrive Beacon. And in PVP multiplayer, this opens up new tactics and strategies for multi-ship fleets, allowing you to jump around the battlefield to evade and flank enemies.


  • Added a "Hyperdrive Beacon" ship part that can be built by the player. Any ship with a Hyperdrive can now jump to any friendly ship with a Hyperdrive Beacon, not just neutral stations and jump gates. These beacons are also usable in PvP multiplayer, giving Hyperdrives a tactical combat use and allowing for advanced combat tactics.
  • Ships will no longer rotate to face their destination when making an hyper-jump.
  • Added a "Zoom Out When Hyper-Jumping" camera setting that, if disabled, will prevent the camera from automatically zooming out when plotting a hyper-jump within the local star system. (Hold the Shift to invert the behavior of this setting.)
  • Built-in ship updates:
  • Sensor Arrays will no longer function when the ship doesn't have enough command points. (This is also true for Hyperdrive Beacons.)
  • Career mode saved games will now display the player's current money, fame, and star system danger level.
  • The Ring of Death now appears to shrink more smoothly.
  • The Fire Extinguisher is now shown in the Utilities tab in addition to the Defenses tab.
  • Roof lights are no longer flammable.
  • Added a "Restock Resources" button to the hamburger menu in the resource management U.I. when playing in Creative mode or Imagineer difficulty in Career mode.
  • The "Restock Resources" hotkey now works in Domination mode.
  • When loading blueprints into an existing ship design, there is now an "Also Load Name, Author, and Description" option.
  • The "Also Load" options when loading blueprints into an existing ship design will now be remembered the next time blueprints are loaded.


  • Bugfix: Loading large save files in multiplayer could cause the host's framerate to drop very low and slow down the sending of the file.
  • Bugfix: Fire VFX weren't rendering if the Fancy Lights setting was disabled but Fancy VFX was enabled.
  • Bugfix: In the crew editor, hovering the mouse cursor over crew operating missile launchers would show the text "Operating Missile & Mine Launcher" instead of "Operating Missile & Mine Launcher".


  • Modding: Part editor groups can now be given a 'SortOrder' parameter which will determine where the group appears relative to the other groups. (Groups without a sort order will appear after those with a sort order.)
  • Modding: Added a 'RoofOpacity' part component that can be used to provide the current roof opacity value (between 0 and 1) to other components, such as to hide media effects when the roof is disabled. It has optional InputRange and OutputRange parameters that allow the roof opacity to be remapped to different ranges of values. (Only use this component for rendering! Using it to affect any gameplay logic will cause multiplayer desyncs.)
  • Modding: Particle effects now support an optional 'IsSimpleLight' parameter that, if true, will prevent the particles from rendering if the Fancy Lights setting is enabled.
  • Modding: Fixed crash when trying to play a wav file that uses 3 bytes per sample.