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.rules file/node location: Cosmoteer.Simulation.HitEffects.ExplosiveDamageEffectRules

Applies damage over an area using an algorithm that damages objects nearest the epicenter first.

Alias "ExplosiveDamage".

Inherits from BaseExplosiveEffectRules<ExplosiveDamageEffectRules.Proxy, ExplosiveDamageEffectRules.HitInfo>.

Used by stacks of ammo, mine_part, missile_part_he, missile_part_nuke, and sulfur.

Also used by all part explosions and the hit from the following projectiles : flak_large, missile_emp, missile_he, and both stages of missile_nuke.

Also contains the nested struct Proxy (see below).

Parameters (Complete list)
Name Type Required? Buffable? Default value Description
TotalDamage int Yes Yes - Damage of the explosion, to be spread around, starting close to the center.
DamageType ID<Cosmoteer.DamageType> - - Cosmoteer.DamageType.Explosive The type of damage dealt.

"Explosive" damage is reduced and absorbed by armor.

But this means you can change damage type.

SpawnUnderlying - - true If true, the structures supposed to be under the parts will be there after the explosion. Else they won't be.
FireChancePerNDamage - Yes - Chance to create a fire in each hit tile.

The chance scales based on damage dealt.

ImpulsePerNDamage - Yes - Impulse is a physics force : it pushes things.

This one seems to scale based on the damage dealt.

NDamage - - 1 For scaling other parameters with NDamage in their Name.


EffectFilter - - new


Decides what things are affected.

See link.

CrewKillChance float Yes 1 %chance to kill any EVA crew hit. "1" should mean 100% chance.

It's not possible to use this to kill crew inside ships.[1]


Nothing yet.


Stacks of sulfur causing explosion damage while the stacks of iron don't. (Discord link)


A proxy for a part, shield, or bullet that can be damaged by the explosion.

See also