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Code location (what's this?): Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Ftl.FtlDrive

Allows the ship to perform FTL jumps.

Lets the ship hyper-jump. Used by hyperdrives.

Inherits from OperationalPartComponent.

Parameters (Complete list)
Name Type Required? Buffable? Default value Description
PowerStorage ID<PartComponentRules>? - - - The component storing the power for the jump
FuelStorage ID<PartComponentRules>? - - - The component storing the hyperium for the jump
SpinDownDuration Yes - - Presumably, how long the animation lasts after the hyperjump ends.

All hyperdrives have "5".

JumpEfficiency float - - 1 All hyperdrives have "50%".
JumpEfficiencyDistanceRange Range<float>

meaning : [float, float]

Yes - - Presumably, measured from this component's location, the tile distance at which efficiency is maximized and the one at which it's 0 (and there would be a Lerp between them).

This is the value range that increases with hyperdrive size.

JumpOutMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - - -
JumpOutGateMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - - -
JumpInMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - - -
JumpInGateMediaEffects MultiMediaEffectRules? - - -


  • The BatteryConsumer in hyperdrives references this component as the OperationalToggle, which is how it only takes batteries when starting to jump.
  • The ReloadProgressBar does the same.