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A far more simplified template for inserting part icons into articles. No need to include the icon file name or target link page anymore, simply invoke the template and the required part. For example:

{{Part|Ion Beam Prism}}

Results in: PrismIcon.pngIon Beam Prism

These icons can even be used in-line, for example we can write about PrismIcon.pngIon Beam Prism Ion Beam Prisms like this, or say that an experimental new ship includes 100 DeckCannonIcon.pngDeck Cannon Deck Cannons.

List of Available Parts

All in-game parts are currently available as icons. Simply enter the name of the part as it appears in-game, or consult the Parts article.

Using Named Part Parameter

This is entirely optional, but you can specify the part parameter by name if you wish.


Result: ArmorIcon.pngArmor

Using "show label" Parameter

All parts have their labels hidden by default, which is because of how common it is to use plurals when typing part names. If you wish to have the label visible, set the show label= parameter to 1.


  • {{Part|Ion Beam Prism|show label=0}} {{Part|Ion Beam Prism|0}}PrismIcon.png — Label is hidden
  • {{Part|Ion Beam Prism}}PrismIcon.pngIon Beam Prism — Label is shown


Specifying an unknown part

{{Part|Giga gun-lazer}}

Result: Giga gun-lazer