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Nusketir is a tier 5 patrol ship used by the Fringe Systems Resistance.


Nusketir is a relatively weak ship, being unable to fire all of its weapons at once, a trait which can also be easily abused. It has relatively few crew near its reactor, which also makes its shield weak - it will go down fairly easily even without a disruptor. At the same time, Nusketir does possess some frontal armor and a disruptor of its own, however, so it's not quite a free kill. Destroy its railgun quickly, instead of targeting its reactor, as the railgun is by far the most threatening part of Nusketir's arsenal. Once the railgun is destroyed, Nusketir will rotate to its right, exposing its reactor. The extra standard cannon firing won't compensate for its vulnerability though, so at this point you can easily fire at its reactor or cockpit. It may rotate once again to the left, but at this point its only weapon is a single standard cannon and it has almost no armor.

The last position Nusketir will take will always expose its cockpit, which should be destroyed to preserve more of the ship to salvage. If you're feeling confident, you can attempt to destroy Nusketir without destroying the railgun, but this would require managing to destroy its cockpit without triggering its rotation. While this is difficult, it will also provide you with an early stock of hypercoils and tri-steel.


  • This ship could be considered a predecessor to Cantiloupe, as both are FSR ships made by Hatter which have weapons mounted on their sides and a single railgun.