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Omen is a tier 10 frigate used by the Fringe Systems Resistance.


A fairly weak frigate that should be relatively easy to take down. Omen lacks much in the way of armor, instead relying on a single large shield - this large shield is far from its reactor and thus rather weak, doesn't protect the entirety of Omen, and has nothing preventing you from moving inside of the shield arc to ignore it entirely. Omen's frontal weapons themselves aren't that dangerous, especially given its lack of a disruptor, but its two EMPs and three HE launchers can pose a threat to players that have forgotten to invest in proper side defenses - PD alone will not suffice, as the EMPs can shut it down, allowing the HE to wreak havoc. Omen also has a singular defense flak battery - this may frustrate those fighting at long ranges or relying on missiles, but the central positioning of this flak gun makes it rather poor at blocking HE from hitting Omen's sides, and Omen generally having a poor defense renders it a moot point. Against this ship, disruptors and deck cannons reign supreme, with the former trivialising the entire fight and the latter excellent at causing mass damage to Omen's exposed design and being an excellent choice for ram setups.

Omen is incredibly weak to ramming due to its shape and large shield, but it is also slow, making it weak to kiters, and blocks itself from firing to its right, making it weak to orbiters as well. Flankers will be able to snipe its control room easily. Overall, this ship is a very weak, vulnerable one, and is very easy to deal with unless you've forgotten that HE missiles exist.